To start your Vendor Risk Assessment for a potential Software as a Service solution, determine the capabilities, features and benefits you seek and then hunt for the best fit among the many SaaS vendors out there.
Obviously, if a provider's software doesn’t match your needs, you can drop that vendor from further consideration in the rest of the VRA.
During your evaluation, be sure someone from each department that will use the new software either demos or trials it, take note of any questions they have, and answer this subset of questions that need to be answered:
At EDM Info Pro, we use a longer version of this list and the trial version as a starting point to narrow the choices to three finalists we then move into the Risk phases of the VRA.
For more information about performing a VRA on SaaS vendors, grab your FREE copy of our e-Book, "Find Your Cloud 9's", which offers a mini-guide to the VRA process.
To set up a Reference Interview on the questions you have about investing in new technology for your business, contact me at 302-537-4198, or on our Contact form.