When you sign on with a Software as a Service (SaaS) provider, you can't "set it and forget it", eve...

My latest thoughts on information issues affecting business decision-making
When you sign on with a Software as a Service (SaaS) provider, you can't "set it and forget it", eve...
Modern SaaS apps allow even non-technical people to purchase, download, install and configure fully ...
Beyond the Cloud or SaaS solution's ability to meet its business objectives, small business decision...
Once you have determined your finalists for your Software as a Service (SaaS) or Cloud providers' so...
To start your Vendor Risk Assessment for a potential Software as a Service solution, determine the c...
One of the more daunting tasks for small organizations involves the selection of a Cloud or Software...
One of my specialties as an Information Professional involves researching potential Cloud-based and ...